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How do I describe the last few weeks of life for Marcia and
me?  Impossible.  This past week we’ve had the assignment to
deal with a tragedy in South Africa. One of AIM’s First Year Missionary
participants, Sarah Buller, died in a car accident this past Sunday.   When we got the word we left Swaziland
immediately and flew into Port Elizabeth, SA. We found a disaster area.  The remaining team members were in shock,
three young people in the car were healing from various  injuries, and there was much to do in order to
transport Sarah’s body back home to Minnesota.

With the great help of Pastor Andrew Pierce from Lighthouse
Church (AI’s partner in Port Elizabeth) we were able to work through many
issues with detail regarding Sarah and her belongings. I had many conversations
with Sarah’s mother and father in Minnesota as we prepared for the memorial
service here in SA.

The service itself was a blessing as it was a celebration of
Jesus in Sarah’s life.  Although we never
met her, Marcia and I are sure she was a very special young lady.
Much more to say and people to thank but time is short – time to board another airplane.

Marcia and I have now parted ways here in South Africa. She
is waiting on her flight through Paris and Copenhagen back to Atlanta.  I am waiting on my flight to Uganda where I
will be until Wednesday and then on to Ethiopia.

I can only say that the Lord has sustained us in these
difficult days.  I sit here on the floor
in the jo-burg airport in tears for all we’ve walked through — not on my behalf
but on behalf of the tragic loss of a daughter and sister to a great family
back in Minnesota.   His grace is
sufficient in all things. I look forward to joining my family again 10 days
from now.  I miss everyone very much.

Thanks all for ongoing prayers.

3 responses to “A Hard Week”

  1. strange day…i was reading back through my old aim blog and so lots of africa and that time period was on my mind. then this email…can’t imagine what you are feeling right now. loss, even if not directly affecting you, still hits you hard. africa was one loss after another for us (much gained as well of course).

    safe travels as you fly the continent of africa.
    im sure your family misses you as well…

  2. Was good to have you here in Africa. I just know that the Lord must carry us day by day otherwise we can not go on. All the best for the rest of your time here. Sorry I did not call today.

  3. When I got the word about Sarah we were on vacation in Florida. I immediately thought about you and Marica, knowing you were in Swazi and that you most likely would be going down there. So glad you were there to minister to the team and family. Praying for you.