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Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m sitting on my couch watching ESPN with my laptop on my lap
for the last time for 2 months.
an apprehension in leaving for
Africa tomorrow.
Sitting in row 70 seat H for 15 hours isn’t something I particularly look forward to.

There are people to help and adventures to be
But then there are people and
comforts here I don’t want to leave.
Friends, Free Refills, and Fast internet. This time there will be more of the
first two in Africa, but alas the last two have yet to reach

There is a comfort and rhythm to life here where you can
find me cozy and safe while laid out on my chaise lounge or running laps with Marcia and the dog around the park.
I guess I am too old to like pain,
discomfort, inconvenience, danger, and just in general to be out of my comfort
The irony is that part of my
personality makes all those things part of my comfort zone in an adrenaline
buzz similar to what a lot of people get from Starbucks.
That leaves me to wonder which person I
really am and who I am becoming.

In the end I know it is good to contribute to the greater
It is good to serve.
It is good to live a life that is a living
It is good to surrender my
comforts to live a life worth living – to decrease as He increases and to lose
my life to save it.
I believe men will
be only become fully alive when they are living for a cause worth dying for.

Somebody will need to remind me of this when I am
uncomfortable and grumpy in
Africa trying to
check my email or looking for somewhere comfortable to sit down.

Please pray for us as we travel and serve in
Africa this summer.

More updates to follow.