
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So far since I’ve been to Swaziland this time I have been working with a team of people on a “Vision Trip.”  These are folks interested in learning how to help over here.
We’ve been to several different care points and seen what has been accomplished and what is still needing to be done.  It is great to see all that God has done in the past few years but daunting to look at all that is left to do!
My favorite parts of the trip have been a few short conversations with a few pastors who look to me for encouragement and advice.  One was asking me several times to “move to Swaziland, we need you here.”  That is nice to hear.
I guess to be honest I have been struggling this trip – there are several things that have been difficult for me but for now I will just say I am a bit discouraged.  I hope those of you reading this will take a moment to just pray for me.
Tomorrow I am scheduled to preach in a church where I have never been.  If it still happens I will be sharing a message on “identity” that the Lord gave me before I came here.  I have been waiting for an opportunity to share and this may be it.
Thanks for listening – I hope to have something more to say later about what is happening here in Swaziland.  It is a privilege to be here and serve any way I can.
I get home Thursday this week.

12 responses to “From Swaziland”

  1. Hey man, I wish I was there with you. You are in our prayers. Maybe we can touch base via email sometime. You are missed.

  2. Scott,

    Praying for you. A place with as much discouragement and death as Swaziland is going to weigh heavy on your spirit, especially if you care (as you do) deeply about the people.

  3. Praying for you this evening, Scott. May the Lord continue to be with you as you walk wherever He takes you! I thought of you guys this morning and my heart was encouraged to remember the love you and Marcia have always shown me. May God continue to bless you both as you pour out to those He brings across your path!

    Blessings, my friend!

  4. baron,

    HE is the man of the hour, and HE is moving through you to do HIS thing there. We are praying for the outflow of HIS SPIRIT over the land.

    Love you brother!

  5. Thanking God for you today, thanking God for Him today, and praying He is your Reason and your joy, no matter what.

  6. Scott – I’m sure when you see all the hurting people it hurts you, too, and makes what you see and do seem very formidable. We pray for you daily and know God is using you to reach many and we thank Him for your willingness to be His servant. Love you and love your family!

  7. Scott,

    It’s always a JOY to come to your name on my prayer list. You and your family have a special spot in my heart.

    Linda Langfeldt

  8. Hey Scott! I know you won’t see this for awhile since the internet is so slow!!! God bless you for the work you and Marcia do. I wish I was there with you all. God reminds me (and you) to not lose heart in doing good. Prayers.