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Thoughts & Inspiration

I got up early today.  I sat in the living room thinking I should open my bible and journal.  I’ve felt out of sorts lately and needed some time in the Word.  Since it is November 2 I opened to Psalm 2.  Funny on election day this psalm is about the kings of the earth posturing and making plans but the real King – Jesus – scoffs at them as He is enthroned and all powerful and all the nations are His inheritance.  The passage warns of not invoking His wrath and then ends with a great statement, “Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.”
I began to tell the Lord about how disconnected I feel to Him and how I am struggling in different areas of faith.  And out of nowhere while I was doing my thing I heard (in my spirit), “When your faith is weak, that is the time to take refuge in me.”
Do you ever have times when you sense the Lord is speaking to you?  When it happens it is powerful.  Emotional.  It has a way of getting you to shut up and listen.  For me it is always a surprise and somehow a new way of looking at things.  Some things that were blurry or confusing come into focus.  I wrote in my journal, “Yes!  The enemy is chasing me to steal, kill, and destroy.  I run to your refuge.  Why do I not run here all the time?  I am so often dull and confused – deceived that my refuge can be found somewhere else.”
Then a list poured out – 
Entertainment is not my refuge.
Work is not my refuge.
Football is not my refuge.
Food is not my refuge.
Internet is not my refuge.
Sleep is not my refuge.
Vacation is not my refuge.
People are not my refuge.
Exercise is not my refuge.
My reputation is not my refuge.
Material things are not my refuge.
My financial security is not my refuge.
My plans for the future are not my refuge.
Jesus is my refuge.
The reason my faith is often weak and the reason so many people are dead in their spirit (look around during worship in church this Sunday) is because so many of us are seeking refuge in the wrong place.  All those counterfeit refuges will leave you vulnerable to attack from the enemy. 
We are all fighting a battle against an enemy who wants to deceive us.  Life gets tiring.  Everyone gets overwhelmed.  We feel the heat and don’t have answers.  Where do we run for refuge?  When you feel pressed, where have you been running for refuge?
The Jesus of Psalm 2 is a pretty scary figure high above all other power or authority on earth.  He laughs at the plans of man if they run counter to Him.  He rules and reigns no matter what people think or decide or feel.  Or even how we vote.
Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong.   We are weak but He is strong.
Jesus is my refuge.