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Last week I was in Maun, Botswana for a week of leadership
training.  There is an organization there
who each year sponsors a two month missions training school for Botswana
nationals.   This year there are about 30
people enrolled and what a group they are! 
Mostly 18-25 year old university students, these young people were
inspiring and a lot of fun to be around.

While I trained during the day, we all went out in the evenings
for outreaches in surrounding villages. 
There are 84 villages with no gospel witness.  There is a need for church planting in this
area and the hope is that this training school will help raise up these
ministers to plant churches.

We went to one village and the team set about gathering
people and singing songs.  Once there was
a crowd they built a big fire (it was COLD since it is winter here!).  The whole village gathered around the fire
and heard stories from the Bible – all leading to the gospel.  It was a great evening with many seeds
planted and several people accepting Christ.
 The man I am pictured with is a leader of a student group at
the large university in the capital of Botswana.  He says there are 400-600 students at his
meetings each week.  So these students in
the school are influential in their own circles!

It was a blessing to be a part of the training and put into
practice so much of what I have been learning at Fuller these past three
years.  In fact during the time I was
training I was also working on a final project for a class I took in Leader
Training Models – and the assignment was to design a training program for
leaders!  So I basically taught exactly
what I had prepared for the class. 
Another example of how the course of studies I have taken fit in so well
with where the Lord is taking us in ministry.

Now I am glad to be back in Swaziland with Marcia.  I need to write an update every day as there
are incredible stories to be told as we walk through each day here.  I will try to be more diligent to share these
all with you.




6 responses to “Leadership Training”

  1. Hi Scott! It is exciting to see God at work! Know I am praying for you and Marcia. Keep us informed.
    Serving an amazing God – Love ya – your sister

  2. Sweet!

    I am getting more and more amazed with God everyday

    Thanks for the update

  3. praise GOD! how awesome to be able to implement your leadership stuff so effectively. we are happy for you two to be over there and look forward to more updates. love you guys!

    m, k, s

  4. Love hearing your updates!! Cool about your leadership training. That’s what makes ministry effective…making disciples to make disciples! Keep up the good work. Dave & I think of – and pray for – you and Marcia and your family often.

    We serve an awesome God!


  5. Scott, it’s great to hear that things are going so well for you guys over there. You certainly look full of joy and I’m glad that God’s put you in such a perfect place. He really knows what He’s doing huh?? I love that. 🙂

    Blessings to you and Marcia! Can’t wait to hear more.

  6. Ok, when you get back, would you please help me develop a plan for training Native leaders here in this country? Thanks, bro.