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For the past few days I have been up to my eyeballs in Haiti relief.  I have been in constant contact with AIM missionary on the ground Miguel Shaul who courageously hitch hiked into Port-au-Prince the past few days.  More people are coming on line within AIM to coordinate the organization efforts which are mounting every moment!
Our personal family response to the tragedy is to send Sam and Marcia from the coming Wednesday through the next Monday.  Sam speaks fluent Spanish as well as some French and Creol, has made yearly trips to the DR and Haiti for 10 years, and dearly loves the people.  Marcia will be able to use her nursing and spiritual insights to heal and encourage.  Two other friends from Sam and Jill’s small group at church are also going.
Please take a look at Marcia’s blog here and keep up with it as we will update as possible for the next   10 days.
Also note Miguel and Kristen Shaul’s blog here to get more updates.
Anyone who wants to contribute to Sam and Marcia’s trip (we are funding the travel ourselves –  just looking for donations for supplies on the ground) you can through the “Support Me” button on the left.
If you want to contribute to the AIM organizational efforts you can do so here.
We covet your prayers for the whole situation and especially for Marcia and Sam as they travel and minister.