
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I want to testify to
the goodness of God in providing for His people.  What a humble position
for our team to be in- carrying the monetary support of our own friends and
family and churches to such a desparate place.

We brought all of our “loaves and fishes” to the Lord just like they
did when  Jesus said, “Bring them to Me.”  We all know how
He then multiplied them to feed his people.  We have experienced this very
same power.  Every night when we came home and counted our funds we always
had the same amount of money left for the next day.  We bought hundreds of
dollars worth of food and supplies, large cooking pots, blankets, clothes and
shoes.  On the way back at night we all dipped in our pockets only to find
as many bills as we started with. Over and over we bought food and supplies and
drove them to the Haitian border for pastor Prophete,  Then we made a new
list for the morning supply run and shopped some more and guess what?  At
the end of the day we still had more than enough money in our wallets. We began
to just laugh and laugh every time we counted the money.  We couldn’t
believe our eyes at all that was continually left over. Even tonight as I write
we have recounted our funds and laughed at God’s goodness and are able to
provide an abundace for the Haitians who are now flocking to another border
near us in San Juan. What an amazing God who is faithful in His provision and
who will not leave or forsake His people. He has truly multiplied the miney but
also our time, our efforts, our compassion, and our love.