
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

There are times in our lives when we need to see God work.  Either we need it physically,  spiritually, or emotionally.   When I reached out to you a few weeks ago Marcia and I had a need of finances.  I am  thrilled to be able to report back to you how the Lord has worked through some of you to meet that need.
In that last report I said we were $5000 behind for 2009.  Well,  that need has been met through a variety of generous gifts.  I am really humbled by that.  I can’t explain it other than God moving in people’s hearts.  Wow.
Another need we had was replacing $600 a month in lost support.  We had one family step up to $250 a month.  Wow – how amazing is that?  With the large deficit resolved and the faith of a single family for $250 a month I can trust the Lord for the remaining $350 a month we are lacking.
I ran across this video this morning and wanted to share it with you.  It is a story of another organization – not AIM – but it is indicative of the kind of work AIM is doing.  Through the efforts of a lot of dedicated people, including Marcia and I, we will see more of these kinds of testimonies in the future.
If you want to support us you can use the link on the left.  If you want to support a child we work with in Swaziland you can go here