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Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Blessed is the man who trust in Him.”
This was the text for our sermon yesterday in church.  I must say I needed that sermon.  We had a big fun day with over 300 kids on Saturday – games, singing, and a nice lunch with meat!  The Discipleship Team (the group of 6 dynamic Swazi’s who do the children’s ministry at the Care Points) planned the whole day.  It was amazing and when I get home I will try to get some video up of all the kids singing.
But the night before the fun day every member of the Discipleship Team (D-Team) were at overnight vigils for funerals.  One member – Dheli – had her sister die last week.  The sister was 29 and left behind a few children.  The youngest is 4 months old.  The dying wish was for Dheli to take care of the child.  Dheli is young and single and as she told us when we talked with her, “I am a mother now.”
The funerals here start of a Friday night, go into an all night vigil, then people are buried at the homestead at sunrise.  It amazes me that even though there is a funeral to go to almost every weekend, people just keep on with their Saturday schedules.  The whole D-Team was up all night and then led the program for 300 children for several hours Saturday morning and afternoon.  How they do it I have no idea.
In the sermon Pastor Walter talked about how you cannot taste the goodness of God unless you go through the trials of life.  The people in church were praising and thanking Him at the top of their voices – for they have indeed tasted and seen the Lord is good – and they trust in Him. 
I still have a lot to learn. 

6 responses to “Taste and See”

  1. What an incredible reminder. I love what the D-Team has become over the last several years, def encouraging to hear. Have a good week and safe travels back man.

  2. Thanks, Scott. I needed to read this today.

    And here I thought Dr. Kober taught us everything we needed to know. [sigh]

  3. Dear Scott and Marcia,
    Thanks for being faithful. It is obvious you are doing Ps 116:2 “I will call upon Him as long as I live.” and the Swasi people are doing Ps 104:33 “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” You are in our prayers. Thank you for doing amazing things in amazing times with HIS AMAZING LOVE. Take Care, Steve and Sandy B.

  4. Loved to be there with you. Great times in the trenches, if that makes sense. Love ya bro, hang in there.