
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are healthy and safe here in
  This past week has been great but busy!
  We had a group here from
Colorado Springs
  36 people – mostly adults – who came to build
a kitchen, run a medical clinic, teach the volunteer Swazi teachers, and hold a
  The week went fast but it really
did go well.
  The group was great to work
with and they did a great job at their ministries!

Marcia worked all week with a doctor, a nurse practitioner,
and another nurse.
  They treated a lot of
people for a lot of conditions.
thing they did was take all the 40+ gogos and create a medical file for each
  We want to track their health and
make sure they get the simple things they need – medication for high blood
pressure is a good example – to stay healthy and keep caring for all these

Marcia is laying down the foundations for a future medical
clinic in the rural area where the people need care but have little to
  She is working two days a week
at a clinic in the city here run by Children’s Cup.
  They had not had their clinic for long and
they have learned a lot.
  No need to
reinvent the wheel, so Marcia is learning all she can as well as networking
with other like minded people in the country.

Josiah is currently in
Zimbabwe making a survey trip to
investigate the future for AIM to have trips there.
  He is learning a lot about land travel in
  He left
with a friend (Zimbabwean) early Wednesday.
They first went in a van full of people pulling a trailer.
  This van would take them to
Mozambique where they would catch a train to
  We were supposed to hear from Josiah Friday
night that he had arrived.
  Instead he
called Saturday night to tell us the train left
Mozambique 12 hours late.
  Ultimately he will be at
Falls, then head home.
called briefly tonight to wish me a happy Fathers Day.
  It was good to hear from him!

A project I will be working hard on is a seedling project to
raise vegetables to feed the orphans.
3 acre or so field has been plowed but now needs to be irrigated and seedlings
  Unfortunately the seedlings
arrived before we built the fence or installed the watering system.
  The struggle will be to keep everything alive
while these things are put into place.
am also learning more about the African mind and working their way to make
things happen.
  It can be frustrating.

I hope you can continue to pray for us as we keep working
here in
  Marcia is going to be working on more medical
clinic investigation this week as well as planning a women’s ministry with some
prominent women in the community.

Maybe when Josiah gets back with our camera we can post some
pictures later this week!