
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

What Do You Want?


I want a life characterized by the abundance talked about it
John 10.  Rather than seeing my life stolen, killed and destroyed, I want
to live it to the full.  To me this means a few things:


In relation to God I want a place of freedom to worship Him
with joy and freedom of expression. 


I want to love my family and I want my family to know that I
love them.


I want to leave my mark on the world in whatever way God
intends.  I want to release this to Him as I live out my life.


I want music in my life every day. It is a medium He uses to
lift my spirit and move my heart to beat with more joy and hope.


I want to put myself around happy people living genuine
abundant lives.  In the fullness of abundance there is grace to look over
all the imperfections in people and just enjoy them for who they are and see
them the way God sees them instead of the way I think they should be.  I
want to rid myself of judgments and expectations for people and rather let
maturity, joy, and grace super cede the ways people annoy me or hurt me or let
me down.  I want to live above hurt and offence and rather decide to live
within and project out the forgiveness I receive daily from the One I offend and
hurt on a consistent basis.


Rather than deny or ignore the deep issues of life in a fake
Christian induced fantasy world, I want to wrestle with these issues with a
heart lightened by the fact that He is in control and has a plan and will never
let me down.


I want purity and personal holiness to become a journey of
adventure rather than a legalistic burden filled pursuit. 


Instead of protecting what I have in order to stay safe, I want to
risk it all and see what God does.


I want to ruthlessly de-clutter and simplify my life. 
What I do each day, where I go, what I eat, where I live, what I wear – it’ll
all burn anyway.  The only thing that matters is loving God and loving


I want to speak my mind.  Rather than living in fear of
offending or hurting feelings I want to let out of my mouth the words of Life
that so often come and take the risk that they will be misunderstood or
rejected.  I want to impart wisdom and perspective that will help people
around me grow.  I want to release and refine the Spiritual Gifts gifts in
me that are stifled and wasted.


I want to learn to express myself in creative ways for the
purpose of getting things out of my head and heart and into the lives of those
who mean the most to me.


I want a life characterized by deep contemplation of real
issues with the backdrop of Grace and Sovereignty of my Creator who loves me.


I want the Godly satisfaction of living a life characterized
by authentic loving relationships, a heart free from condemnation, sin and
death, and a spirit set free to follow God and experience the world He has put
me in and the life I lead as a gift to enjoy fully. 


What do you want?