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Today is World AIDS Day. 
This disease has been a biological weapon of the enemy to ravage
millions of lives.  Take a look at this
link and manipulate the map.  It is an amazing graphic on the presence of AIDS around the world.
Also, I invite you to take a look at this powerful video below. It was filmed near AIM’s ministry center in Nsoko, Swaziland and posted on Tom Davis’ blog. And as you watch, please pray for the men and
women around the world who are suffering from AIDS. 
Please pray for the children who are infected and otherwise abandoned by
parents who die too young.  Please pray
for the Kingdom of Swaziland as it fights to survive this mortal enemy.

3 responses to “World AIDS Day”

  1. Oh Scott
    I am praying. Found out this week the” one” the Lord connected me with that first trip a year ago, has tested positive, and her baby. I am praying for them for the people of Swazi.
    Your Kingdome come Lord in Swazi as it is in heaven!

  2. This is a very touching video and quite educational too.However, i feel we have seen and have been shown the negative effects of HIV/AIDS in our countries for a long time.More than 2 decades?Right now we should be bringing hope to people all over the world, why dont we try another strategy of coming up with stories that are positive.
    Believe me, there are people and families who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS and they are reasonably coping with the situation.Survival strategies are now part of their lives.Lets try to show more of those, so as to encourage others.
    some individuals may also learn more from positive scenarios.everyone feras sickness and death, but if we bring promising stories, we are allaying a lot of anxieties in people.